Cape Horn weather station
Cape Horn with weather station
Cape Horn end of the world
Cape Horn end of the world2
Beagle channel local pilot
Beagle channel wake
Beagle channel 1
Beagle channel 2
Beagle channel 3
Beagle channel cormorants
| Cape Horn is literally the end of the world. It is the southernmost bit of land short of Antarctica anywhere in the world.
The weather is abysmal all year round and there is no soil. No one lives here except the residents of the weather station.
South of the Cape the ocean, the Drake Passage, is usually a
nightmare. Since there is no land this far south, waves can
circle the globe forever without being diminished by hitting
land. Early explorers often sank in the huge waves or had to
delay for months to find acceptable weather.
The other alternative is the Beagle Channel which threads its way
through Patagonia to the Pacific without going into the open water
around the Horn. It was only slightly easier for sailing vessels
since the channel is narrow, the winds often blow the wrong direction
and it sometimes freezes in winter.
We lucked into a very calm evening to round the Horn and then ducked back into the Beagle Channel.