Ushuaia - harbor-2
Ushuaia - harbor
Ushuaia-catamaran tour
Ushuaia-sea lions-1
Ushuaia-sea lions-2
Ushuaia-photo racket
Ushuaia - wind trees
Ushuaia-Irish Pub-1
Ushuaia-Irish Pub-2
Ushuaia-figure head
is the southern most city in Argentina. It is the staging area
for many of those heading for Antarctica. The population is
around 60,000.
Sitting along the Beagle channel it is along the way for most ships cruising through Patagonia.
This far south (56 degrees) even mid-summer has highs in the 50's and almost constant wind (see the trees).
The last ice age scraped off almost all of the topsoil and very little can be grown on land.
Fish in abundance draw birds and sea mammals.