![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_James%20M%20Potter%20protrait.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potter%27s%20Business%20Card.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_JPO1%20portrait.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_ECO%20exec%20aticle.jpg) |
James M Potter founder |
Potter's Original Business Card |
James Potter Orr portrait 2nd generation |
Edward Charles Orr 3rd generation |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_JPO2_Enquirer.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Centennial%20Article.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Childrens%20Fashion%20Show.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Costume%20Booterie%20Opening%20Promo.jpg) |
James Potter Orr 3rd generation |
Centennial Article |
Childrens Fashion Show |
Costume Booterie Opening Promo |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Cusom%20Promo.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Dress%20shoes%20and%20hose.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Baseball%20Team.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potters%20football-01.jpg) |
Custom Promo |
Dress shoes and hose |
Potter's sponsored Baseball Team |
Potters sponsored football team-01 |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potters%20football-02.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Market%20Exhibit-02.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Newspaper%20Ad-01.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Winter%20Sale-1896.jpg) |
Potters sponsored football-02 |
Market Show Exhibit |
Newspaper Ad |
Winter Sale-1896 |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Winter%20Sale-02.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potters%20Repair%20and%20Custom.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potters%201901%20promo%20coin.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potters%20shoehorn.jpg) |
Winter Sale-02 |
Potters Repair and Custom Dept |
1901 promo coin |
Shoehorn giveaway |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potters2024-12-18%2021_50_15-Rare%20-%20Embossed%20Potter%27s%20Shoes%20-%20Dexterity%20Advertising%20Puzzle%20-%20Cincinnati,%20OH,%20-gigapixel-standard%20v2-4x.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Wrapping%20Paper%201967.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Wrapping%20Paper%20Earlier.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potters%20Execs.jpg) |
Kids Give away promo |
Wrapping Paper 1967 |
Wrapping Paper Earlier |
Potters Execs other than family |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potters%20Front.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potter_old.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potters1910.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potters24-26.jpg) |
Potters Front |
Potter_old |
Potters1910 |
Potters 24-26 E 5th |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_PottersPotters-FountainSquare-gigapixel-standard%20v2-4x.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potters_Fountain_Square1.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potters_Fountain_Square2.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Potters%20Hyde%20Park%20Square.jpg) |
PottersPotters-FountainSquare-gigapixel-standard v2-4x |
Potters_Fountain_Square1 |
Potters_Fountain_Square2 |
Potters Hyde Park Square |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Photo_01_SH-Knox_West-5th-St.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Selling%20Floor-01.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Selling%20Floor-02.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Selling%20Floor-03.jpg) |
West-5th-St |
Selling Floor-01 |
Selling Floor-02 |
Selling Floor-03 |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Selling%20Floor-04.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Selling%20Floor-05.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Selling%20Floor-Custom.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Store%20Opening%20-%20Western%20Hills.jpg) |
Selling Floor-04 |
Selling Floor-05 |
Selling Floor-Custom |
Store Opening - Western Hills |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_100th%20Anniversary.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Woody%20Brown-JPO2-James%20Potter.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Tom%20Winstead%20-%20Leo%20Hecker.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_Winter%20Window.jpg) |
100th Anniversary |
Woody Brown-JPO2-James Potter |
Tom Winstead - Leo Hecker |
Winter Window |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_StrideRite_Florence.jpg) |
StrideRite_Florence |