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Count your tricks or losers.  There are at least 2 ways make the contract. 
Find the ways AND decide in which order the ways should be tried
Chance of success
3 - 3 split of 6 cards
4 - 2 split of 6 cards
3 - 2 split of 5 cards
Finesse (no outside knowledge
Dropping the Queen with only 4 cards out

8 5
Contract 3 NT

A 8 7

A J 7 5
Lead: 4

K J 7 3

Sure Tricks

K 6

Q J 4
1 We might find the Q doubleton. We can try to drop it if we do that first. The odds are less than 50% but we get to try the 50% finesse later if needed.

K 4 3 2
2 Take the A & K of .  If the Queen falls, smile and collect an over trick.

A Q 6 4

We need 1 more trick to make the contract but clearly cannot lose
the lead without losing too many
tricks.  There are 2 finesses but ...

If the Queen does not fall, run the
suit ending in your hand and try the
