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Count your tricks or losers.  There are at least 2 ways make the contract. 
Find the ways AND decide in which order the ways should be tried
Chance of success
3 - 3 split of 6 cards
4 - 2 split of 6 cards
3 - 2 split of 5 cards
Finesse (no outside knowledge
Dropping the Queen with only 4 cards out

Contract 4
J 6 5
Opening Lead A
A 7 4 2

J 8 5
While the spade finesse is 50%, we also have a diamond finesse that would let us get rid of a spade loser if it works.

Trump the 3rd club.  Draw trump ending in dummy. Now lead a low diamond toward the Q J 5. If East has the K diamonds, we now have 3 diamond winners and can discard a spade from our hand.
10 8 6
If West has the K diamonds and takes our J diamonds, we no longer can discard a spade BUT we can still take the spade finesse.
A K Q 9 7
Combining 2 50% finesses givews us a 75% total chance to make the contract
Q J 5

9 6